
HigherPurity™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit

HigherPurity™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit

For a Highly Efficient, Safe & Rapid simultaneous Purification of Viral DNA and RNA from cell–free samples

HigherPurity™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit offers an highly efficient, fast and simultaneous purification of viral DNA and RNA from cell–free samples such as serum, plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. The kit uses HigherPurity™ breakthrough technology based in nucleic acid ability to bind silica in the presence of high concentrations of chaotropic salts. The viral RNA/DNA molecules bind to the silica-based media and impurities such as proteins and nucleases are removed by thorough washing with Wash Buffer. The RNA/DNA is then eluted in sterile, RNase free water.

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